

събота, 26 май 2012 г.

Urban Poetry

 Защо го наричам така...Незнам,може би защото действителността на живота в големия град ме вдъхновява.Неговата задушливост,бездушност и материалност.Виждаш една маса от хора и не познаваш нито един от тях или дори да премине някой,който познаваш по-вероятно е да не го забележиш.Живи ли са въобще?Лицемерието,снобарството,наркоманията,алкохолизма,бедността и трагедията -всичко е тук и блести.Ослепително.


frozen on your doorstep               -Това го написах отдавна -зимата на 2010 мисля...Бях в квартала
I sit                                              на една приятелка.Седях на стъпалата на един вход.Мислех си  freezing on your doorstep             за невъзможни неща -както обикновено....Може и да е било 
in my face                                    есен,незнам-беше студено,тя пушеше,говорихме си за нещо
love spit                                       безсмислено,както обикновено а аз гледах към планините,
I wait for your hands                    подаващи се над панелките.
to freeze with mine
tell me
I'll see our worlds
you gave me the
frozen mitt
don’t tell me I ask for it
now I sit
I'm freezing on your
for what I wait
to see your face
that will be the bait
to fall again
or I'll  see your
full of hate
I hope I run away
to forget

you cant leave me                                        Това е нещо като продължение на първото.Вдъхнових
on that table                                                 се от пушека-цигари,огън,коли,комини.Мръсотия.
bleeding me out
leaving me out again
I should leave you
I now see you
you cant love me
I should love you
bearing my cross
putting you first
as I look in to yours eyes
throw smoke of cigarettes
sitting there
waiting for her eyes
here you are
I filled my empty glass
with tears and alcohol
I wanna rope my cold hands
around you neck
strangle you making my self warm again
don’t want you to feel my pain
I want to send you soul to space
reborn yourself
I'm on the table my cold feet
now are burning
I cant keep running
the hill is long
the rocks are cold
they hurt me as a walk
I swear to my self
I'll never talk
to you again
as I look founding your eyes
through smoke I see a face
hopping is not yours
I wanna keep breathing today
because I don’t wanna go back
where I was
help help me please
I’m falling down on my knees
your disguise
your in my place
keep me down feel my pain
leaving me on that cold table again

No Control
Walking through the streets                   
empty, cold, dirty
and I slowly swim into your sins
breathing the sweat, blood and fears
in fumes they surround me
I hope they collide with me
I hope you die drowned in their fire
afraid  I may still love you

I’m sure I don’t feel anything  but loathe
and cemetery is my life
and I love the mistakes I made
My body is a numb ,senseless
A void fills this object of flesh
that falls in silence and misery

All alone I lay on the ground
I love the cold slowly
stripping me down to my bones
I have no one to speak to
no one to hold on to
I sink into madness and despair
bleeding and dreaming
and slowly Love stripped me down
of my soul and senses

Beast I became and love not you
but the flesh on your bones
Come and finish me –
with my passion slaughter me

1 коментар:

  1. много интерсен стил на писане - продължавйте да пишете и да споделяте тук с всички нас - поздрави и до скоро
